In February 16th 2023, the Transport & Telecommunications Institute, Latvian partner of INGENIOUS project will present the results of the project in the upcoming multiplier event.
The goal of the workshop is to spread the awareness and knowledge gained in the project framework. The presentation will include an overview of the project and an unveiling of the conclusions and discoveries. Part of the event will be held in a discussion about digital pedagogy skills and the qualifications of educators.
In the following link, you can find the online INGENIOUS learning platform:
For more information on project activities, you can check out the presentation of the project here:
Co-Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme Erasmus Plus KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Project No: 2020-1-EL01-KA226-VET-094871
Project title: strengthenINg diGital pEdagogy skills aNd competencIes Of edUcatorS
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