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INGENIOUS Web Meetings on the progress on the piloting phase

On November 18th and December 12th 2022, project partners participated in two web meeting regarding the progress on the piloting phase and organization of Multiplier events.

In the first meeting, STP, as leader of WP5 which includes the piloting phase, demonstrated two surveys that the trainees should take before and after conducting the piloting.

After discussing the specifics of the pilot phase inauguration, the partnership jointly decided some modifications and specifications on the survey questions, the number of participants, the obligations for each country etc.

Furthermore, the organisation of Multiplier events was another topic to be discussed. The multiplier events are to be organized with physical presence of participants, so, several events can be organized in order to reach the minimum number of participants, paying attention to having unique participants in each one of them.

Finally, an initial discussion was made regarding the candidate cities to host the project’s final meeting, with Rome and Sofia being the two selected.

The second meeting began with the presentation of the team of University of Ioannina (UoI), who shared with the partners some statistics and facts derived from the Moodle platform regarding the use and the participants, so far.

Piloting is an ongoing process for the Greek partners, while the other partners have scheduled to finish it before the 20th of January (deadline already set).

As regards to the Multiplier events, KRIB and DIAVALKANIKO do not have the obligation to organise one.

Finally, the representatives of CleanTech shared useful information about the arranged final meeting in Sofia. 

The meeting ended with warm wishes for happy holidays


An image gallery with screenshots of the meetings can be found below:

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INGENIOUS project belongs to the Erasmus+ program category, KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, and specifically to KA226: Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness.Â